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For a chart on the current price of gold, click here.

Dr. Gary North passed away on February 24, 2022.

His obituary, written by a close family friend, is here: Gary North, RIP.

A memorial service was held for Dr. Gary North on March 26; here is a link to the recording of the livestream.

Dr. Gary North Memorial Service

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Goal-Setting for Success - Why So Few People Can Ever Be Financially Independent
Gary North

Be reasonable when selecting a lifetime goal. Count the cost. Don't pursue an impossible dream. You are likely to become a target of con men if you mistake the impossible for the probable.... keep reading

Reality Check - The Safe Banking Fantasy
Gary North

The Federal Reserve System plans to make big banks safe. That'll be the day!... keep reading

Real Estate - The Second Wave of Stupid Money
Michael H. Mosieur

An experienced real estate investor sounds a warning. Ignore it at your peril, especially if you live in Florida.... keep reading

Retirement - Americans' Net Worth: A Slow-Motion Train Wreck
Gary North

Keeping up with the Joneses won't work if they are headed for the poorhouse -- and they are. How well are you doing?... keep reading

Goal-Setting for Success - Why So Few People Can Ever Be Financially Independent
Gary North

Be reasonable when selecting a lifetime goal. Count the cost. Don't pursue an impossible dream. You are likely to become a target of con men if you mistake the impossible for the probable.... keep reading

Reality Check - The Safe Banking Fantasy
Gary North

The Federal Reserve System plans to make big banks safe. That'll be the day!... keep reading

Real Estate - The Second Wave of Stupid Money
Michael H. Mosieur

An experienced real estate investor sounds a warning. Ignore it at your peril, especially if you live in Florida.... keep reading

Retirement - Americans' Net Worth: A Slow-Motion Train Wreck
Gary North

Keeping up with the Joneses won't work if they are headed for the poorhouse -- and they are. How well are you doing?... keep reading

Advertising - How You Can Make a Better Promotion Video Than This One for Close to No Money
Gary North

How a professional crew flew across the country to shoot a video with a site member. The site member could have done just as good a job. So can you.... keep reading

Budgeting for Wealth - Bugeting Rests on Incentives: Profit vs. Loss. Every Field Has Incentives. What About Education?
Gary North

There is success. There are success incicators. What if they don't match up? What do we teach our children about success indicators?... keep reading

Insurance - A Reminder on Life Insurance
Gary North

This was brought home to me two days ago.... keep reading

Gary North's Miscellany - America's Next War: Why You Are the Target, Not the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines.
Gary North

Generals fight the last war. So do people who pay attention to generals.... keep reading

Reality Check - College for Dummies ... and Non-Dummies
Gary North

My message to 150 home schooled teenagers: never pay retail for college.... keep reading

Job and Calling - Why Do You Work So Hard?
Gary North

Some men don't think through the reasons.... keep reading

Business Start-Up - What to Ask if Your Brother-in-Law or Old Buddy Approaches You About Investing in His New Business
Gary North

Sometimes, these deals can be good opportunities. Usually, they aren't. Here are some basic guidelines for sorting the chaff from the wheat.... keep reading

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